1x1 of the economy
"1x1 of the economy" is an annual public summer lecture series for interested citizens on current economic policy topics, held in the garden of the IÖB.

Beliefs of teachers towards entrepreneurship
The project is analysing the beliefs of economics teachers towards entrepreneurship.

Career dual training
The project aims to promote career guidance and practical contacts between schools and training companies in order to support young people's personal career choices and broaden perspectives around dual training.

Discourses on the future: "Consumers between demands and excessive demands"
A project for individually oriented strengthening of consumer competences for more resilience.

econo=me competition
This Germany-wide competition for school children puts fundamental questions of economic activity and financial literary in the spotlight.

Economic Education in Germany
Seeking to embed Economic Education in Germany, this project is developing an online platform which shall present data to the general public.

Economic Researcher! (WiFo!)
This programme involves students dealing with issues in the dynamic space between business, ethics and digitization in a problem-oriented way.

Economic.researchers! - Model Region Regio Southwest
The aim of the model region is the systematic integration of business ethics content into the regular teaching of general secondary schools in the subject "Business / Career and Study Orientation" (WBS) in the administrative district of Tübingen.

Entrepreneurship in everyday school life in Jordan (EISAJ)
The project conveys the basics of entrepreneurial thinking and actions as well as general Economic Education to Jordanian teachers.

European Scientific Network for Career Learning and Education (Career Lead) (Kopie)
The project focuses on the establishment of a Europe-wide research network on career orientation with a school-based focus, which forms a basis for cross-border research work.

FINESS: Viewing Study on the Ethical, Environmental and Social Dimensions of Financial Education
The project describes conceptual requirements for comprehensive financial literacy as an integral part of economic education and identifies actors, core elements & starting points for implementation in educational processes.

Future of the sea - More future
The project supports teachers in delivering lessons on structures of the economic region and the training courses and offers on the job market in the JadeBay region.

Inflation explained in an understandable way
Empirically based development of language-sensitive teaching materials for students at lower secondary level of non-high school types.

Maritime Economy and Logistics (MarWiLo)
Drawing on the areas of maritime economy, shipping and logistics, this project promotes communication of economic relationships and career guidance for youngsters.

Marketing Digitally
The project supports young, disadvantaged entrepreneurs to improve their digital marketing skills. This new field of development is currently being focussed upon by the EU.

Perspective " Professional self-employment"
The project combines the vocational option of self-employment with career guidance at school.

Perspectives in the Metropolitan Region Northwest - Vocational training with energy
The project " Perspectives in the Northwest Metropolitan Region - Vocational Training with Energy" shows school students the career opportunities offered by the energy transition in the northwest and supports companies in recruiting trainees.

Perspectives of working independently
The project integrates the professional option of self-employment into school career guidance.

Testing of a modern, practice-oriented business education with regional relations.

Summer Camp Economy
The "Summer Camp Economy" offers high school students five days of exciting practical contacts with prominent regional companies, combined with interesting input and discussion phases by the IÖB.

Teaching economics with digital experiments (WiDiX)
As part of a competence center for digital and digitally supported teaching funded by the BMBF, this subproject tests educational measures for teachers on the use of digital economic experiments.

Uniquely combining business, values and sport, this training programme makes entry into the world of work easier for young people.

Training-accompanying qualification programs
The qualification programmes for trainees teach economic basics, analyse the position of different sectors in the economy and address currently relevant events.

wigy e. V.
wigy is committed to establishing Economic Education, appealing to various actors and stakeholders. An extensive online pool of materials is part of the course provisions on offer.